Latest version.
  • 1994

    A Codification of the General Ordinances
    of the Town of Parker, Colorado

    Beginning with Supp. No. 14.3,
    Supplemented by Municipal Code Corporation


    of the

    Mike Waid

    Town Council
    John Diak
    Debbie Lewis
    Cheryl Poage
    Joshua Rivero
    Jeff Toborg
    Renee Williams

    Town Clerk
    Carol Baumgartner

    Town Administrator
    Michelle Kivela

    Town Attorney
    Jim Maloney


    The Town of Parker, Colorado Municipal Code, originally published by Colorado Code Publishing Company, will be kept current by regular supplementation by Municipal Code Corporation, its successor in interest.

    Supplements to this Code provide periodic updating through the removal and replacement of pages. This inter-leaf supplementation system requires that each page which is to be removed and replaced is identified so that the updating may be accurately accomplished and historically maintained.

    Instructions for supplementation are provided for each supplement, identified by Supplement number, date and inclusive ordinance numbers. The Instructions for posting the removal and replacement of pages must be followed and accomplished in sequence, with the most recent supplementation posted last .

    When supplementation is completed and the removal and replacement of all pages are accomplished, the Instructions should be placed under the Supplementation tab, behind this page, with the most recent Instruction sheet on top. Previous Instructions should not be removed, so that the user may refer to this tab section to verify whether the code book is fully updated with all supplements included.

    The maintenance of a Municipal Code with all supplementation is an important activity which deserves close attention so that the value of the code is maintained as a fully comprehensive compilation of the legislative ordinances of the municipality.


    Amendments may be made to the Code by additions, revisions or deletions therefrom. Those changes may be made as follows:

    Additions: Additions may be made by ordinance to the Code as follows:

    The "Parker Municipal Code" is amended by the addition thereto of a new Section 2.01.010, which is to read as follows:

    (Set out full section number, title and contents)

    or if the location of the new section number or numbers is undetermined, the Code may be amended as follows:

    The "Parker Municipal Code" is amended by the addition of the following:

    (Set out section title and contents)

    Revisions: A revision of the Code may be accomplished as follows:

    Section 2.01.010 of the "Parker Municipal Code" is repealed in its entirety and readopted to read as follows:

    (Set out section number, title and entire contents of the readopted code section)

    or as follows:

    Section 2.01.010 of the "Parker Municipal Code" is amended to read as follows:

    (Set out section number, title and entire contents of the amended code section)

    Repeal: Sections, articles and chapters may be repealed as follows:

    Section 2.01.010 of the "Parker Municipal Code" is repealed in its entirety.


    The Town of Parker, a home rule town, has published its Municipal Code in a format which features the following:

    The Table of Contents is the table containing each title and chapter heading, with reference to page location. Preceding each title is a title table of contents, also identifying each chapter by the subject name provided.

    The code is organized by subject matter under an expandable three-factor decimal numbering system which is designed to facilitate supplementation without disturbing the numbering of existing provisions. Each section number designates, in sequence, the numbers of the title, chapter and section. Thus, Section 2.12.040 is Section .040, located in Chapter 12 of Title 2. In most instances, sections are numbered by tens (.010, .020, .030, etc.), leaving nine vacant positions between original sections to accommodate future provisions. Similarly, chapters and titles are numbered to provide for internal expansion.

    In parentheses following each section is a legislative history identifying the specific sources for the provisions of that section. This legislative history is complemented by an ordinance disposition table, following the text of the code, listing by number all ordinances, their subjects, and where they appear in the codification.

    The Ordinance List and Disposition Table identifies the source for the contents of the code. This table provides ordinance numbers in numerical order and location by section number for the present code contents. Thus, if there is interest in determining whether an ordinance, or a portion thereof, is contained within the code, the Disposition of Ordinances Table will provide that information. The Table of Up-to-Date Pages lists all of the current pages through the most recent supplementation.

    The Index provides references by common and legal terminology to the appropriate code sections. Cross references are provided with the Index when appropriate.

    Supplements to the code provide regular updating of the code to maintain it as a current compilation of all the legislation which has general and continuing effect. Without regular supplementation, the code would soon lose its usefulness as a complete source of the general law of the municipality. Supplementation is accomplished by the periodic publication of additions and amendments to the code.